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Student Handbook

Northside High School

Student Handbook



365 Commons Drive South

Jacksonville, NC 28546



Mission Statement

Northside High School will equip every student with the necessary skills to be globally competitive and prepared for life in the 21st century.



Mr. Brad Staley, Principal

Ms. Jaime Smith, Assistant Principal

Ms. Jennifer Baggett, Assistant Principal



Welcome to Northside High School, home of the Monarchs. While our history isn’t a long one, we have developed deep pride in our school, our students, and the community we serve. Opening in 2001, Northside High School has grown from a small school, to now serving a student body of over 1100 students.  Our teachers come from all over the country, and all over the world.  We celebrate our diversity and expect our students to be positive contributors to the school culture and Northside Spirit.

This resource has been developed to help you become familiar with items specific to Northside High School and to supplement the Onslow County Schools Code of Conduct handbook which covers student related board of education expectations and policies, school bus conduct rules and school safety regulations.  Please use both resources to aid you in your journey this school year and let us know if you have any questions.


Brad Staley




School Hours:                   7:07 a.m. to 2:10 p.m.

No students should arrive prior to 6:45am, as staff is not available to monitor students.  All students should depart in the afternoon by 2:30pm (15 minutes following dismissal)

Office Hours:                     6:45 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.

School Colors:                  Navy Blue and Vegas Gold

Mascot:                                Monarchs


SECTION 1 – Academics/Grading/Attendance


Cheating is defined as “the giving or receiving of unauthorized aid.”  Plagiarism is defined as “taking and using the ideas or writings of another as one’s own.”  Cheating and plagiarism are very serious offenses.  Any student found guilty of cheating and/or plagiarizing on any school assignment will receive a partial credit grade of 40 if they choose to complete the alternative assignment.  Students who choose not to complete the alternative assignment will be awarded a grade of zero. Students found guilty of cheating and/or plagiarizing may be disqualified from being considered for membership in any club or organization based on the respective club/organization policies or bylaws.  If currently a member, the student may be dismissed from any club or organization based on the respective club/organization policies or bylaws concerning the academic honor code.


Attendance in school and participation in class are an integral part of academic achievement and the teaching-learning process.  Regular attendance develops patterns of behavior essential to professional and personal success in life.  Regular attendance by every student is mandatory: the State of North Carolina (G.S. 115C-378) requires that every child in the State between the ages of seven (or younger if enrolled) and 16 years attend school.  Parents or legal guardians have the responsibility for ensuring that students attend and remain at school daily.  Any parent, guardian, or other person violating the provisions of the Compulsory Attendance Law is guilty of a class 1 misdemeanor. 

 In grades 9-12, a student who misses more than 10 days in a semester, shall not be awarded course credit except by determination of the teacher and principal upon careful review of the student’s records.  Make up work may be assigned by the student’s teacher as deemed appropriate.  All make up work shall be completed within a reasonable amount of time as determined by the child’s teacher.  


Early checkout is strongly discouraged as students miss valuable instruction and may be counted absent from the class period.  When students occasionally need to leave during the school day, students will not be released to anyone but a parent, legal guardian, or emergency contact (as noted on the student emergency data sheet) without written approval from the parent for a third party to pick up the child.  All individuals picking up a student should be prepared to show proper identification when they come for a student during the school day.  Check outs may only be done in person by an adult on the student’s PowerSchool contact list.  Please do not request check-outs to be completed over the phone, via email, or with someone not on the contact list, as this will not be allowed.  Parents must come into the school to sign the student out in the office. If early check-outs become frequent, parents will be notified that it is interfering with the student’s education. 


·         1st and 2nd Tardy: Verbal warning from teacher

·         3rd Tardy: Verbal warning from teacher, Teacher contacts parent 

·         4th Tardy: Referral to administration*, 1 day PH detention**

·         5th Tardy: Referral to administration*, 2 days PH detention**

·         6th Tardy: Referral to administration*, 5 days PH detention**, Administrator contacts parent

·         7th Tardy: Referral to administration*, 1 day ISS, Administrator contacts parent

·         8th Tardy: Referral to administration*, 3 days ISS, Administrator contacts parent

·         Additional tardies: Referral to administration*, Further consequences determined by administrator.

*Teachers enter referral into Educator’s Handbook

 **If a student appears on the PH detention roster, and is needed for mandatory tutoring in a class, the teacher will contact the ISS coordinator asking for an alternate day to be assigned. ISS coordinator will communicate with teacher and student to schedule PH detention on an agreeable day. The teacher is responsible for inputting required tutoring into Flex-Time manager for that student.  

 Tardy to first class If student is a driver who parks on campus:

·         5th Tardy: Loss of driving privileges for 3 days

·         6th Tardy: Loss of driving privileges for 5 days

·         7th Tardy: Loss of driving privileges for the remainder of the grading period

·         Additional tardies: Further consequences determined by administrator.

Tardies reset after each six weeks.

College Visitation Policy

A senior may be allowed two absences for a required college visitation that is a condition for acceptance of that college.  Those absences are excused for exam exemption only if arrangements are made in advance.  This may be done by submitting proof of the visit and a note from the parent requesting the absence be coded as a required college visit. 


If a student becomes ill at school, he/she should advise his/her teacher for the purpose of going to the office, where a parent/guardian will be contacted.  Remaining out of class during a classroom period without permission is an unexcused absence.  If the illness is abrupt, the nearest faculty member should be notified.  Checking out of school should be done only when it is absolutely necessary.  Checking out must always be done through the office and with permission from a parent.  If a child has a communicable disease (i.e. pink eye or head lice) it is expected that he/she remain at home until the disease is no longer contagious and has a doctor’s note to return to school.  Students are not allowed to spend long amounts of time in the restroom due to not feeling well and instead should report to the front office for assistance.


Report cards are issued every six weeks. Halfway through the marking period, interim/progress reports will be sent home. Parents have access to grades and attendance in real-time through PowerSchool (contact Northside’s Data Manager for access). 

A ten-point grade scale will be used in all classes:

·         90-100 =A

·         80-90 =B

·         70-80= C

·         60-70= D

·         0-59= F

*Over 10 absences in a semester will receive a grade of FF.


Students who meet graduation requirements and are in good standing with the school may take part in the graduation exercises.  The graduation ceremony is an important and symbolic event.  Unlike a student’s right to a diploma upon completion of graduation requirements, participating in the graduation ceremony is a privilege.  Students must attend and participate in all graduation practices

/rehearsals and adhere to dress code standards for graduation. 


Marshals for graduation and other school activities shall be the ten juniors with the highest grade-point average through five semesters of high school.  The Marshals are expected to assist with all school functions and to provide support for guests attending that function/event. 


The student body president, senior class president and the two seniors with the highest weighted grade point average will be given the opportunity to have a speaking part in the graduation ceremony.


Any student who has a six-weeks grade average of 80 or higher and no grade lower than an 80 will be placed on the Honor Roll. Any student who has a six-weeks grade average of 90 or higher and no grade less than a 90 will be placed on the Principal’s List. The purpose of the Honor Roll and Principal’s List is to recognize students who have demonstrated quality achievement and to encourage others to strive for excellence.

 SECTION 2 – Athletics (See Link Below)

 SECTION 3 – Behavior/Discipline


Students at NHS are always expected to conduct themselves in a manner that is appropriate for young adults.  Loud, disruptive behavior, profanity, intimate conduct, such as kissing and close body conduct while on campus are not considered appropriate.  Inappropriate behavior may result in disciplinary action as determined by any member of faculty and staff.

School Wide Guidelines for Success:

R – Students are responsible for their learning and maintaining behavior conducive to learning

O – Students are organized in their instructional materials and behavior

A – Students demonstrate attentive behavior from bell to bell

R – Students are respectful in their interactions with others and through electronic communication

Northside High works to support and uphold all Onslow County Schools Board of Education policies.  Board of Education members constantly seek to revise and add policies that help ensure a safe and civil environment that allows educators to provide a strong instructional program.  For the most up-to-date information on board policies, please refer to the Onslow County Schools Student Related Board of Education Policies and School Bus Safety Regulations handbook and/or visit for a more detailed statement of student behavior expectations and violations.


Northside High utilizes a variety of consequences and actions to help improve, correct, or ensure appropriate and safe behavior.  In-school suspension, out-of-school suspension, and detention are a few commonly used actions however many other strategies are utilized as well.  In cases where suspension is deemed appropriate, students may be suspended up to ten days.  The severity of the offense, the past record of the student’s behavior, the age of the student, and mitigating circumstances will be taken into consideration when making such decisions.  In cases of repeated violations or in cases where the health and/or safety of other students might be affected, expulsion or referral to the Onslow County Learning Center may result.


Northside High School has an In-School Suspension (ISS) Program. The intent of the program is to allow students to continue coming to school while receiving a discipline consequence that they have earned due to their behavior.  Students serving ISS will do all the work assigned by their teachers, the ISS Director, and the administration.  Students are not allowed to leave ISS to pick up assignments from their teachers or run other errands.


Out-of-school suspension is a discipline consequence used for some discipline violations. Parents of suspended students will be notified by the administration.  Suspended students may not participate in any extra-curricular activities, be on school grounds, or attend any school functions at any Onslow County School including Northside High School during the suspension. 


Teachers assign detention for violations of rules in their classrooms. Each classroom will have the rules and consequences posted. The teacher will determine the length of time and the number of days for the violation. The teacher will notify the student that detention has been assigned. If the student already has detention for another teacher or an administrative detention, the student is to notify the teacher and a time will be rescheduled. Detention is served during Power Hour at the discretion of the teacher. If a teacher or member of the administration deems it appropriate to require a student to stay after school for a stated period of time and for a stated purpose, the parent or guardian must be given at least 24 hours prior notice before the scheduled detention. The parent/guardian must agree to assume responsibility for the student’s transportation.



Upon request, students will immediately identify themselves by first name, last name, and grade to any staff member. Students refusing to identify themselves or providing inaccurate information are subject to an out-of-school suspension of up to 10 days.


The refusal to follow reasonable directives of teachers or other school personnel will be considered insubordination and may result in immediate out-of-school suspension of up to 10 days.


Any student who has been assigned a period of out-of-school suspension, placement at an alternative learning site, or has missed a significant amount of time will be required to participate in a reentry and safety plan meeting. Meetings will be scheduled and conducted by the school social worker. A parent or guardian is required to attend in-person or by phone. 


The use of profanity, intimidation, or argumentative statements will not be permitted.  Disciplinary action will be at the discretion of the teacher or administrator.  Profanity directed toward a staff member may result in suspension.

SECTION 4 – Cell Phones/Electronics


Students bring electronic devices to school at his/her own risk. NHS will not replace or be responsible for stolen, lost, or damaged property. Unauthorized use of electronic devices is not permitted by full-time students and those with Late Entry/Early Release.

OCS is committed to providing a safe and productive learning environment for all our students. In recent years, we have seen an increase in the use of cell phones by students during school hours. While cell phones can be a valuable tool for learning, we have found that their use can also be a distraction and a source of conflict.

To address these concerns, and, as part of the ongoing review of the district’s policies, in February 2023 the Board of Education updated the district’s cell phone policy (Policy Code 4318: Use of Wireless Communication Devices).

Effective with the start of the 2023-2024 school year, students are permitted to have cell phones and other wireless communication devices on campus, so long as the devices are not activated, used, displayed, or visible during the instructional day or as otherwise directed by school rules or school personnel. The instructional day at Northside is defined as the time the student enters the school building until the student exits the building at the end of the day, 6:45 a.m. to 2:20 p.m.

We understand that this change may be inconvenient for some students and parents. However, we believe that it is in the best interest of our students to create a learning environment that is free from distractions. Please contact your student through email or by calling the front office during the school day.

Any unauthorized use of electronic devices will result in the confiscation of the electronic device by the school administration or staff.  Once it has been determined that a student has violated the policy, the electronic device must be surrendered to school staff If at any time a student refuses the direction of a school staff member to surrender their electronic device, the student will receive out-of-school suspension for up to 10 days.

Students are prohibited from recording other students and OCS staff members without prior approval from school officials and will be subject to disciplinary action. Students will be held accountable for recording video or audio and/or taking pictures.  These acts are considered disruptive or unlawful behavior on school grounds or at school related functions. Any student involved in video recording other students or staff and/or circulating the contents to others through any social media outlet is strictly prohibited and will be subject to disciplinary action.

The office telephone will be available to students only in emergency cases or if the student is sick.  A student must have permission from office personnel before using the phone.  The phone is for official business, not for personal calls. 


Any video, audio, or photographic recording in classrooms or other areas designated for student learning without prior consent from the teacher and/or school administration is strictly prohibited.  Any video, audio, or photographic recording in restrooms, locker rooms, or any other areas where privacy is an expectation is impermissible.  Violations of this rule may result in criminal charges as well as disciplinary actions. Once again, students are prohibited from recording other students and/or OCS staff members without prior approval from school officials and will be subject to disciplinary action. Students will be held accountable for recording video or audio and/or taking pictures.  These acts are considered disruptive or unlawful behavior on school grounds or at school related functions.

SECTION 5 – Clear Bag Policy

Students will only be permitted to carry backpacks made of clear plastic, vinyl, or similar transparent materials. This includes lunch and gym bags. Backpacks with colored elements, stripes, colored straps, mesh pockets, or leather-reinforced corners are allowed as long as they do not obstruct visibility on school property.

If a student arrives at school with a bookbag that is not in compliance, they will be directed to the main office. The office will have clear bags available for students. Students will transfer their belongings to the clear bag and return to class immediately. The clear bag loaner must be returned or purchased within one week. Students who violate the clear bag policy frequently will be subject to disciplinary consequences up to and including suspension.  Students who refuse to comply with the policy will be suspended.

Only clear bookbags and bags will be allowed into all NHS athletic events. They will be subject to a search prior to entering the event.

SECTION 6 – Clubs and Activities

NHS strongly endorses students participating in clubs and activities. Regularly scheduled meetings for clubs will be held after school or during the Power Hour.  As follows is a list of some of the clubs and activities that Northside offers. 






Fellowship of Christian Athletes 

Future Teachers of America 




Prom Committee 


Cross Country 

Science Olympiad 

Poetry Club 



Student Council 

School Musical 




Academic Derby 

Spirit Week 



Sign Language Club 

March Madness 



All Equals 

Blood Drives 

Tri-M Music 


Science Club 

Key Club 



Battle of the Books 

Monarch Media 




Beta Club 



Math Club 








CLUBS/EXTRACURRICULAR – HIGH SCHOOL (Board Policy 3620) There will be a set timeline of the first 10 days of school for students and staff to meet with school’s principal to submit ideas for a new club/organization. Students and staff following the meeting with the principal will submit within the first 20 days of a school year information for any new club and to include an identified advisor. The advisor must be a staff member at NHS. The advisor and interested students must design guidelines, objectives, tentative times, and dates for meetings, and present this information to the school principal. The principal and the staff advisor will meet with the Department Chairs within the first 30 school days to present the new club and have the Department Chairs vote on the new club proposal. The principal may require parental permission for student participation in any club. The principal will maintain the right to make final decisions regarding the organization, activities, and guidelines for a proposed club as per Onslow County School board policy 3620. 


SECTION 7 – Delinquent Activities/Anti-Social Behaviors


Students are prohibited from unlawful cell phone or electronic device usage (i.e. Cyberbullying). Unlawful cell phone or electronic device usage (sending inappropriate texts, pictures, videos, threats, harassing messages, or information that incites inappropriate behavior on the NHS campus/bus or OCS school activity will be considered a violation of this policy and subject to disciplinary action. Participation in any act deemed as Cyberbullying may result in a complete loss of privileges related to cell phone and any electronic devices used on the NHS campus and/or school related function or activity. Refusal to surrender any electronic device to an OCS staff member upon request may result in an Out-of-School Suspension up to 10 days. Actions related to Cyberbullying will be subject to disciplinary action and could include Out-of-School Suspension, Alternative Learning Center placement, and referral to Law Enforcement.



Any form of gambling will be treated as an illegal act and is therefore prohibited. 



Loitering is a violation of school policy.  Students who are asked to leave a designated location such as a hallway or restroom and do not are failing to comply with a reasonable request. Teachers and administrators are allowed by North Carolina State Law to reasonably request that students move from one place to another at school. 


Students who are asked to leave an area and do not are failing to comply with a reasonable request. Students who fail to comply with a reasonable request will be assigned a consequence up to and including suspension from school.



Students are required to attend their classes as scheduled.  This includes homeroom on the few days in which the class meets as well as the lunch period.  A student who skips a class or part of a class will be given an unexcused absence and receive disciplinary action.  Students with early release after lunch do not have to stay for the lunch period.



The possession of property that is not yours will be viewed as stealing.  If someone finds something that is not theirs, they should take the property to the front office immediately.  Stealing and/or possession of stolen property will result in disciplinary action and possible referral to law enforcement. Northside High School nor OCS is responsible or liable for lost or stolen items.  Students should be responsible for their possessions.


Helpful suggestions to deter theft in school:

·         Items that are not necessary to the educational process should not be brought to school. 

·         Only the money necessary for the day should be brought to school.

·         Do not drop your items anywhere and walk away and expect everything to be in place upon your return.

·         Label your belongings. 

·         Do not leave valuables in the gym locker room. 

·         Do not leave cell phones or other electronics charging or unattended.

·         Always use a lock on your gym locker.


Vandalism/Property damage

Any student found guilty of vandalism, destruction, or defacement of school property will make full restitution and subject to discipline action.


SECTION 8 – Dress Code


The Northside Dress Code is based on a professional modesty standard that promotes students in their pursuit of college and career opportunities.


*Professional - engaged in, or suitable for a profession or skilled practitioner. 

*Modesty - the state or quality of being disinclined to call attention to oneself in speech, behavior, or attire.

(Taken from The American Heritage College Dictionary, 2000) 


The dress and appearance of students has a significant effect upon conduct and behavior while at school.  The purpose of the NHS dress code is not to censure individual expression but to help maintain an atmosphere conducive to learning and free of distractions.   School administration, faculty, and staff reserve the right to deem student attire inappropriate.  


DRESS CODE GUIDELINES:  Please note that this is NOT an all-inclusive list.  Attire may be deemed inappropriate by any administrator, teacher, or other staff memberAdministration or a staff member will announce each morning for staff to do a dress code check after the Moment of Silence.


a.       Headgear, including sunglasses, is not permitted to be worn inside any building.  This applies to both male and female students.  This includes, but is not limited to, hats, hoods, bonnets, do-rags, and bandannas.

b.       Shirts and blouses that expose the back or midriff (stomach) are not permitted. Strapless tops or any top that exposes undergarments are also prohibited.  Shirts must not expose cleavage. Spaghetti strap or racer back tops are not permitted. Sheer or “see-through” garments are only permitted when the articles of clothing underneath are in compliance with the dress code.  **Crop tops are not permitted.  If a student is wearing a crop top, the student must be given the opportunity to change clothes if they have something with them.  Otherwise, they are to be sent ISS and given a t-shirt to change into.  Students are not allowed to rectify the wearing of the crop top by putting a jacket over the crop top or zipping the jacket up.

c.       Shirts without a sleeve need to be a minimum of 2 inches wide (approximately 3 fingers wide).

d.       Tank tops are not permitted attire for girls or boys. 

e.       Shirts must be always worn (this includes during physical education class).

f.         No bare backs.

g.       No visible undergarments.

h.       No jeans with holes above mid-thigh that show skin through the holes.  If jeans with holes above mid-thigh are worn, an article of clothing must be worn underneath to cover the skin under the holes.  Students may not circumvent this policy by putting paper or any other removable item in the hole of the jeans.  This will still be considered in violation of the policy.

i.          Shorts, dresses, or skirts are acceptable dress if the length is to the middle of the thigh.

j.         Clothing that is disruptive to the educational setting is prohibited.

k.       Costumes are not permitted.

l.         Clothing, that is representative of gang affiliation, promotes alcohol, tobacco, illegal substances, contains sexually inappropriate language, weapons and profanity is not permitted at school or any school sponsored event.

m.     Pajamas or bedroom slippers are not permitted.  This includes exam days.

n.       Baggy pants or shorts that establish a belt line below the hipbone or show underwear while the student is walking or sitting is not allowed.  SAGGING IS NOT PERMITTED.

o.       Footwear must be always worn. Soft soled bedroom slippers are not acceptable footwear. Shoes that do not have hard soles are considered to be unsafe and are therefore not permitted to be worn at school.

p.       Blankets will not be used as substitute for sweaters or coats. Do not bring blankets to school.

q.       Chains hanging from clothes are not appropriate accessories for school.


Consequences for Dress Code Violations:

If a staff member sees a student out of dress code, the following steps will be initiated:


·         The 1st and 2nd offense for a dress code infraction will result in the student reporting to ISS with an opportunity to change or adjust their clothing, or to have a parent bring appropriate clothing.

·         The 3rd dress code infraction will result in 3 days of In-School Suspension.

·         The 4th or more dress code infraction will result in further action, up to and including Out of School Suspension.


SECTION 9 – Emergency Situations/Inclement Weather


During emergency situations/drills, all students and faculty members must follow the respective procedures appropriate to the situation.  Teachers will follow emergency procedures and protocol which include take attendance and monitor their students during emergency situations/drills. Cell phone usage is prohibited during all drills as during the school day. Students who use their cell phones during any drills will receive disciplinary action as defined by administration.


During inclement weather it sometimes becomes necessary for a decision to be made concerning the delaying or closing of schools. When a decision is made that schools will either be delayed or closed for the day, the announcement must be relayed quickly to all students and parents. OCS is a county school system, so a decision to delay or close schools most likely will affect all schools throughout the district.


In order to accomplish this task efficiently and with maximum coverage, when the possibility of inclement weather is in the forecast, school officials ask all students, parents and staff to remember the following:

·         Make sure the school has your most up-to-date contact information including home phone, cell phone and email address.

·         A phone call making the announcement of a closing or delay will be sent as soon as any decision is made. To ensure phone calls get through to the correct recipients, parents should make sure their child's school has the correct phone number on file.

·         Monitor the Onslow County Schools district website - - information will be updated here as conditions warrant. Information will also be posted on the district's social media channels - Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. This will be the best way to find information in a timely manner after the initial announcement.

·         Tune in to one of the local radio or TV stations in our area. As soon as the automated call goes out, delay and closure information is shared with media outlets which serve the Onslow County area.


In the case of delayed opening, the buses will also run late in respect to the number of hours school is delayed.  If school is to dismiss early for weather or other emergency reasons, students will not be allowed to call home due to the large number of students and the limited number of telephone lines.  This news will be shared through automated phone call, the Onslow County Schools district website, social media channels, and local radio and TV stations.  Please do not call the school to find out if school is delayed or cancelled.


SECTION 10 – Arrival/Entry/School Property Areas



Car Riders Arrival and Departure (for all students and parents driving on campus)

·         Students are to be dropped off in the mornings at the end of the 700 hall to allow enough time to walk to class by 7:07am.

·         Students should be picked up in the afternoon by the breezeway at the side entrance to the cafeteria.  All students should be picked up within 15 minutes of dismissal. 

·         Parents that are driving their child to and from school will enter school property via the drop-off and pickup. In the mornings, the traffic flow is ONE WAY ONLY, with two lanes entering the property from the South entrance. Student drop off should stay in the right lane. Students parking in the student lot should stay in the left lane.

·         In the afternoons, the front of the school is reserved for school bus traffic at dismissal.

·         Car riders who arrive to school late, will be marked as tardy.

·         All visitors should park in the parking lot and not at the curb.  This is especially important from 1:30 p.m. and after due to dismissal

·         Any student arriving to Northside’s campus after the start of the student’s scheduled school day at Northside school must sign in at the front office.



School is dismissed at 2:10 p.m.  All students must be out of the building no more than five minutes after their last class unless under the direct supervision of a faculty member.  This includes after school practices and club meetings as well. Students involved in organized or supervised school activities are permitted to remain on school grounds and must go directly to the meeting location for the group.  Students are not permitted to hangout and socialize in front of the school or by the buses.  Students waiting for transportation after school dismisses must wait for such transportation in front of the main office building and conduct themselves in a manner as to not disturb the business of the school.  Students found in violation of this policy may be charged with trespassing on school grounds. This also includes modified school days.  Students must leave campus no longer than 15 minutes following the dismissal bell.



NHS is a closed campus.  This means students are not to leave the grounds of school at any time unless given permission by checking out in the front office.  No students are permitted to go off campus before school starts or during any of the lunches. Visitors are to report to the office upon arrival to sign-in and notify the school of their presence through the doorbell camera system.  Leaving school without permission by not signing out in the front office is considered skipping along with not following one’s schedule which is subject to disciplinary action.



For a student to be granted an early release or late entry, a parent must sign an Early Release/Late Entry card.  There are several conditions to this policy:

·         Only seniors, advanced juniors, or Job Ready students can be released early or have late entry.

·         The student must leave and arrive at campus at the designated time, or the release agreement is forfeited, which can mean reassignment to classes.

·         Early release students will not be allowed to remain on campus or return to campus until designated times.  If you do not have transportation to leave campus, you will be assigned a 4th period class.

·         Students may not leave campus and return to visit friends, bring food, etc. Students who violate this rule will be considered a trespasser.

A student may stay after their own classes are over under the following circumstance ONLY: A pass from a teacher to include date, time, period & the destination of the student during that period, only if the teacher is not responsible for teaching a class during that period. There will be NO exceptions to this.


Students may not loiter in the front office or foyer area after 5 minutes of their class dismissal. Students will wait in ISS until their ride arrives if they remain on campus longer than 5 minutes from their release time.  Students must have transportation to receive early release and may not ride the bus home. Students who are in violation of this policy will have their early release terminated and will be given a class.



Students are not permitted to congregate in the halls before or after school or leave their bookbags and/or personal belongings in the hallway.  Students should not leave class during instructional time unless an emergency.  Students who need to take care of matters in the front office, in student services or with administration should do so during class changes, Power Hour, during lunch, or before or after school.  Students are required to have a school-wide uniformed pass or teacher written note if they are out of class during instructional time.  Students visiting the NHS media center during lunch should have a pass signed by a teacher with an explanation of the purpose for visiting the media center.



Certain areas are off limits to students during all school hours (7:07 a.m. to 2:15 p.m.):

·         Parking lots (front and back)

·         The courtyard area between classrooms

·         The areas between NHS and Commons Drive

·         The areas between NHS and the Jacksonville Commons Middle School campus 

·         The woods behind the school

·         The athletic fields

·         Any area that is not monitored with adult supervision.

Being in these areas without authorization will result in disciplinary action as determined by administration.



Skateboards, skates, scooters, and “wheelies” may be used as transportation to school; however, must be stored during the school day.  These items may not be used again until the student checks out in the front office or leaves at dismissal.  These items will be confiscated and held in the main office to be returned to a parent or guardian if not stored appropriately.



Parking permits are required to park on campus and must be displayed on the vehicle.  Students may obtain a parking permit by completing a registration form, paying $25.00 (non-refundable), having no outstanding debts to Northside High School (such as owing fees, books that need to be returned, etc.), and having a valid North Carolina Driver’s license.  Every student meeting these requirements will be assigned a numbered parking space.  Students are required to park only in their assigned parking spaces with their permits clearly displayed.  Cars parked illegally or in an undesignated space will be towed at the owner’s expense.  Parking at school is a privilege, not a right, and much responsibility exists with parking on campus.  As such the administration may temporarily or permanently revoke parking privileges anytime, they feel that the student is not utilizing the privilege in the manner in which it was granted.  Any car parked on the school grounds may be searched by school officials at any time without the driver’s or owner’s consent.

The following are some examples of when privileges will be revoked: (These examples are not all inclusive). 

·   Students who drive on the grass or other prohibited areas, rather than the marked entrances and exits, will lose parking privileges for five days. 

·   When a student is referred for excessive tardies to first period or second period if the student has late entry.

·   Any time during the year that a student’s license is revoked, or the student has outstanding debts.

·   If students loiter in the parking lots before school or after school/dismissal  

·   If a student returns to the parking lot between the hours of 7:12 a.m. and 2:15 p.m. without permission. 

·   If returning to the vehicle is a persistent issue, the parking permit will be revoked.

·   Selling, loaning, or switching parking passes with others.

·   Driving behavior and speed that seems unsafe.


If at any time the students’ privileges have been permanently revoked, the student will have to reapply for a parking permit and pay the applicable fee.  


SECTION 11 – Fees

Onslow County Schools District-Wide High School Fees

The Onslow County Board of Education has passed a policy concerning the payment of school fees.  Parents and students who wish to have school fees waived because of indigence must make a written request to the principal by the twentieth day of enrollment on a form supplied by the school.  The policy states that the school may require “whatever documentation from the parents necessary to support the parents’ requests for fee waiver.”

All students who do not have an approved fee waiver need to pay their fees by the end of the first week of school.  As follows is a list of possible fees that your child may need to pay:

Fee Subject


Art Class


Instrumental Music (Band, Orchestra, Piano, Percussion)


Vocal Music (Chorus)




Science Lab (all science classes)




Technology (student laptop fee for all students)


Drivers Education

Up to $65.00


SECTION 12 – Food/Drink/Cafeteria/Flowers & Delivery

Cafeteria/lunch RULES

·         No student will be excused to leave campus during “lunch periods.” Students leaving campus will be subject to disciplinary action.

·         Students may not attend multiple lunches or may not attend a lunch other than one assigned to them

·         Students may not run to lunch, in the cafeteria, or skip lunch lines.

·         Students can bring lunch from home.

·         Students are not allowed to have lunches delivered to them on campus or dropped off in front of the cafeteria or any other location.

·         Places that you may eat:

o    Cafeteria

o    Picnic Tables

o    Outside by the flag poles

o    Classrooms

o    Commons

Federal Regulation:  In addition to school meals, students may not have access to foods/beverages in school stores, through fundraisers or other sources.  These foods are not offered as part of the School Nutrition Program, and if the sale or availability of these foods/beverages competes with a student's ability and/or willingness to receive or purchase a school meal, it is considered a competitive food.  Competitive foods are those foods/beverages sold or offered to students in competition with school meals.  Federal regulations, state statutes, and local Board policy prohibit competitive foods.


See:  OCS Child Nutrition Website:


  • All students are responsible for cleaning up their trash and placing it in proper receptacles.  Students caught littering will be placed in lunch detention and risk losing their privileges for the semester or school year.
  • Trash receptacles will be placed throughout the school and in each hallway.  Do not throw food trash away in a teacher’s classroom.



LUNCH/MEALS (OCS Policy 6200, 6225, 6230)

Onslow County Schools provides nutritious breakfast and lunch meals designed to meet the USDA federal guidelines and nutrition standards for school meals.  These guidelines limit the amount of fat, sodium, and sugar in meal selections and encourage increased consumption of fresh fruits, vegetables, whole grain products, and calcium rich foods.  Well-balanced breakfasts and lunches contribute to the success in the classroom and students’ academic performance.  Menus are available at on the Onslow County Schools website and in local media.




There will be no flower or balloon delivery during the school day.  Students may not have flowers or balloons in class or on a school bus.




At no time will glass-bottled drinks be allowed on campus.  Food will not be allowed in the classrooms after the tardy bell (unless you are in Foods class or breakfast from the cafeteria). Clear non-glass bottled water will be the only drink allowed in the classroom.  All food and beverage items purchased from the cafeteria must be consumed at any of the designated eating locations. Students may not have food delivered by anyone to include parents, guardians, or delivery services (Grub Hub, Door Dash, etc.). No students should sell or buy food/snacks for other students. This behavior will not be tolerated and will be given a consequence.


SECTION 13 – Miscellaneous Information


If a student is injured during the school day, the student must do the following:

·         Report all accidents to the teacher if you were injured in the classroom.

·         For injuries outside the classroom, the student should report the matter to the office. 

·         Report athletic injuries to the coach. 

·         If medical attention is needed, parents will be immediately notified and the correct procedure for the injury will be followed.



It is extremely important that we are kept up to date with any and all changes in address, phone number, and emergency contact information.  This information is required in case we need to contact the parents/guardians in an emergency.  Please do not assume that your child will be able to contact you on a cell phone if an emergency arises.  For various reasons, cell phones may not be authorized for use until a situation has been investigated.  In addition, the school uses a phone contact system to pass on information to the parents when necessaryWithout up-to-date addresses and phone numbers, you may not receive very important information regarding events happening at the school.



Teachers are expected to maintain and when necessary, initiate open lines of communication between the school and the home. Contact will be made as soon as any problem develops behaviorally or academically. Parent-teacher conferences are designed to be productive and not hostile for the academic and behavior support of students. If a conference becomes argumentative or non-productive, the conference should be rescheduled for another time and date to allow the presence of an administrator.  Teachers are required to communicate with parents of failing students at early signs of poor performance.  During the communication, teachers should share a summary of the situation and provide actions steps for achieving passing performance.


Extracurricular Activities

Student attendance at extracurricular activities such as school dances, athletic events, and club activities is a privilege, not a right.  Students earn the opportunity to attend such events by demonstrating good behavior and satisfactory academic performance.  Any student with any office referral for a disciplinary infraction may be restricted from attending extra curricular events/activities at the discretion of school administration.  Student behavior and involvement in disruptive events off campus may be used to restrict attendance to all activities outside of the regular school day as well.


Students who find articles should turn them into the front office.  Students who lose articles should report the loss to the front office.  Do not leave money or valuables in the rooms, desks, lockers and/or any other location unattended.   NHS is not responsible for these personal items.



All students using the media center must have a pass.  The media center is a place to acquire research material.  No drinks or food can be taken into the area.  It will remain open from 6:45 a.m. to 2:45 p.m. each day (M-F) for students who need assistance.



·         Books are checked out for a two-week period.

·         Overdue books are charged at a rate of $0.10/day, not to exceed $5.00. Books not returned must be purchased.

·         Any reference or reserve material must be returned before first period the following school day.

·         Charges of $0.50/day are made on overdue reference and reserve books.

·         Students receiving a notice of an overdue book should check with the media specialist as soon as possible.



School nurses are shared among schools within the Onslow County School District and therefore a nurse is not on campus every day.  Students with medical needs should report to the front office and will be directed accordingly.  Please turn in completed Emergency Medical forms to help us help your student in case of an emergency.  If you take medication during the school day, the school receptionist can help you with the paperwork and other matters that need to be taken care of for your need.  If you need to take a medication, you must have a pass issued by the teacher to leave class.  Parents must complete the OCS Student Health Services form which requires a doctor’s signature. This form is in the front office. This must be filled out completely, prior to medication dispensing.  Students are not permitted to possess any drugs (over the counter or prescription) at any time at school.


The Onslow County Board of Education has identified procedures and guidelines pertaining to medication.  Northside High staff is not allowed to administer medication or allow your child to self-medicate themselves unless proper paperwork has been completed by your physician, the parents, and the school nurse.  When prescription medicines are to be taken during the school day, medicine should be in a labeled prescription bottle.  Pharmacies are accustomed to providing two prescription bottles, one for home and one for school upon your request.  Please see the secretary and/or the school nurse for more information concerning your child’s medical needs.  Students who bring medication to school and do not comply with these guidelines are subject to disciplinary action.



The Power Hour is an embedded support system for every student at Northside High School.  This program ensures that each student has opportunities to enhance their academic progress during their high school experience as well as develop social skills through character education.  Students will have one period per day to attend tutoring, club meetings, participate in intramural athletics, along with a wide variety of other activities.  Please note that teachers may require students to attend tutoring during this time, and students are expected to attend.  Students who do not attend required tutoring will be subject to disciplinary action.

·         Power Hour will be offered daily from approximately 9:58 am – 10:48 a.m., Monday-Friday.

·         Students will use Flex Time Manager and select and/or be assigned specific places to attend.

·         Attendance is taken in each location, and students unaccounted for will be considered skipping.

·         If a student does not sign up for a Power Hour location in Flex Time Manager, their Power Hour will be restricted.


For a student to be eligible to go to or participate in the prom activities without being a guest, he/she must be a bona fide senior or junior (be in a senior/junior homeroom) and be eligible to graduate at the time of the prom, for seniors.  In addition, the student must owe no fees and be in the process of making up absences. Any student with any office referral for a disciplinary infraction may be restricted from attending the prom at the discretion of school administration.



No student or organization may conduct surveys or distribute literature without prior approval of school administration.



Textbooks are school and state property and should be treated accordingly.  If textbooks are lost or damaged, the student is responsible for replacing the item.  The following rules apply:

·         If the textbook is lost, the student must pay the full price of the book.

·         If the textbook has been damaged beyond repair, the student must pay the full price of the book.

·         If a textbook is damaged but is usable, the student must pay the damage fee as assigned by the teacher.


All visitors are to report to the office when they arrive on campus during the school day.  Students should never let visitors into the school or open exterior doors for anyone visitors under any circumstance.  Students are not to associate with any visitor on campus unless the visitor has been approved by the office.  If a person is on campus for a school event (concert, athletic contest, or dance), he/she is to report directly to the school event and must leave the campus immediately following the event.  No loitering is permitted on campus.